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Coming "Full Circle"

(San Diego) With almost 40 different organizations calling Christ Ministry Center home, it is no surprise explaining who we are is not easy. I have been searching for a way to simplify our “elevator speech” (explaining to a total stranger who we are, what we do and why we do it in a short elevator ride).

That’s when I realized we are three “centers” in one. (Sort of like trying to explain the Trinity, huh?) Anita and I coined a term “Centergy” in our book, “The Not For Sale Church” in our early days of explaining what a Ministry Center is. The Ministry Center Model has matured and changed. We used it to describe the synergy that takes place at the Ministry Center.

SUPPORT CENTER Charities & Non-Profits Weekday Ministries for the Body

Christ Ministry Center began in 2011 as an urban ministry center built upon Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 25: "I was hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, in prison and a stranger...and you cared for me!"

The logo represents each of Jesus' six instructions for his disciples' ministry. HUNGER - Good Neighbor Center and the CMC Food Pantry help feed our neighbors. Plus, the UCSD and Cal-State Free Clinics offer food as well. We will have a major announcement regarding Good Neighbor Center in a couple months. Stay tuned. THIRST - This is not about H20. Spiritual thirsts are met by over a dozen congregations who offer ministries to quench spiritual thirsts, like Jesus demonstrated with the woman at the well (John 4) CLOTHING – Watch for more news coming about our Clothes Closet and long-standing Brother’s Keeper ministry that offer clothing to our neighbors. SICKNESS – Our two Free Clinics operate on Tuesday afternoon (UCSD) and Thursday afternoon (Cal-State. In a few months, we will open the UCSD Free Dental Clinic. PRISON – We now have a unique opportunity to “proclaim release to the captives”. Many immigrants seeking to legally enter the U.S. are imprisoned even though they have not broken any laws! With so many immigrants in detention, we help provide the means for them to be released through our GateWay Loft ministry. Plus, prison is not always behind bars. Addiction recovery is a form of prison release and re-entry to a full life. We offer help through Gambling Recover Ministries, and 12 Step Support ministries. STRANGERS – Our GateWAY Loft Ministry is one of only nine “Welcome Shelters” for immigrants along the Southern US Border, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency. In this divisive environment where “strangers” are vilified and hated, we will continue to offer a welcome, God’s Love, and a Safe Harbor to those God send our Way. We are indeed the “Seven-Days-A-Week” Church, touching over a thousand lives each week.

SPIRITUAL CENTER 12+ Congregations Weekday Ministries for the Soul and Spiriy

At the outset of Christ Ministry Center, we resolved to be a place for “homeless” congregations. What a joy to also be an “incubator” for new churches. Perhaps the most surprising thing folks learn about us is that we are home to over a dozen congregations

The logo represents the the flames of the Holy Spirit that fell at Pentecost, giving birth to the Church. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit transcended different nationalities, languages and customs to include people of all nations. We have different denominations, different ethnicities, people from many nations, and speak different languages, just like at Pentecost. Like the children’s hymn says, “Red and Yellow, Black and White, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.” Only God can perform the miracle of squeezing in another church into our family of faith. Yet we see it happening again and again. “This is God’s doing, and it is marvelous in our sight.” .

IMPACT CENTER Public Benefit Ministries for the Mind

Our “Co-Working Hub” (Collective Impact Center) in the Lower Level is a most exciting innovation bringing in “social entrepreneurs” who are working for the social, environmental and cultural betterment of our community.

The logo represents how the whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts when people work together! That's synergy, or as we call it: "Centergy". Social entrepreneurs are not out to just make money, (not that there is anything wrong with that). Even non-profits must “make money”, or else they die. They seek to “do good” as they work, literally changing the world for good. Our Impact Center, an incubator for San Diego’s social entrepreneurs, is a community of entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, for-profits, non-profits, cooperatives, activists, artists, and investors committed to positive, sustainable change.

I encourage you to watch the CBS Sunday Morning segment from last Sunday (link here) that explains “Co-Working: The New Way to Work”.

I hope this “Centergy” model showing how CMC is three centers in one makes it easier to understand who we are, what we do, and how we are bold enough to believe we can, with God’s help, change the world for good. For Christ’s Sake Dr. Bill Jenkins

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Christ Ministry Center (UMC)

3295 Meade Ave-San Diego CA 92116


a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

donations are tax deductible

2016 Recipient 

Amnesty International

Digna Ochoa 

Human Rights Defender Award

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